Sunday, September 17, 2006

itkPointSet And 3D-Images

The problem with loading the itkPointSet into the Registration process had to do with the point data part of the object being empty. When a point set was outputted from the narrow band filter, it filled the point data for each point with the distance it was from the outside of the band. I am not sure exactly how the registration process uses the data. Although in the case of my ellipse, the registration did not work as well when I inserted large values into the data area of itkPointSet that I was creating. After trying various values, I found the optimal value for the point data to be zero.

To make the ring I need to create a point set with three dimensions. This will require the transform to be changed to something that can handle three dimensional point sets. The image used in the process will also need to be in three dimensions. So I began the process of loading in a three dimensional image. I focused my attention on the visualization part using VTK where a two-dimensional image will be displayed. Getting the slice of the three dimensional image that I wanted was accomplished by using the itkExtractImageFilter. I was able to write the slice out to a .png file, but if I passed it to vtk's visualization machinery using itkImageToVTKImageFilter it produced an image that was completely distorted. To fix this I am trying to pass the two-dimensional slice I have into the itk::ImageToImageFilter to change its pixel representation.


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