MCMC Results
Using the new intens_process class the following represents running the Markov Chain Monte Carlo for 2000 iterations. The yellow dots represents the centers of the red ellipses that are colored according to their likelihood with darker ones being more probable. There are also red squares that are places on top of the points that are colored the same way as the ellipses and represent the probability of the region they cover. These results show a mean that is very close to the actual one but at this point I haven't implemented a way to stop the simulation in a formal manner so more iterations may have changed the result.
Another result of the new intens_process is that the intensity profile fits on the top and bottom of the skull have improved and now are as good as the sides. This is shown in the following images with the arrows colored red being the ones with a very high error in their fit to the intensity profile data. There is still one issue with the fit because of regions near the top left and right where the skull boundary has a thicker boundary and also lighter in comparison to the brain matter. Because of this the fit will sometimes pick a peak within the brain matter because the highest intensity value is in that area. I am still trying to find an appropriate algorithm to remedy this matter.

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