Intensity Profile GUI
Some of the results that came up from using the MCMC on the final segmentation seemed to be inconsistent with what the correct location of the ellipse should have been. So I took a closer look at what the intens_process class was grabbing from the image by using the intensity profile GUI. To make the GUI a little more clearer I added the slice being looked at in the image to the background and then added lines that represent the normals going inside the mesh with light blue, and the normal lines going outside the mesh with red. Another issue that came up was that the intensities were being sampled by taking the paths of normals arising from the points in the mesh, not the cells. So, I edited the intes_process class so that it would calculate the centers of each face of the mesh and use those points to take the data for the profiles by using normal lines emanating out from it. The only problem with having the image slice in the background is that it makes the mesh harder to see, although this problem might be alleviated by using a brighter color for the mesh or adding lines to it that emphasize its location. I also added the number of the cell into the graph title.
The results found using these changes improved the intensity profiles by having them make more sense in this context with most of the intensity profiles fitting the two Gaussian logistic model. Although having the intensity profiles sampled from the points of the mesh may not have been that big of an issue since they do coincide somewhat with the locations of the faces of the mesh.

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