MCMC Using VNL Random Generator
I changed the MCMC simulation to use the built in VNL numerics library that comes with ITK and VTK and made it so that I sampled from Gaussian distributions by using the normal() function available. This seemed to improve the results if I stuck with the standard deviation of one. Otherwise with a standard deviation of .5 the results seemed to still be off. The following is the results of using a .5 standard deviation of the Gaussians followed by one using a standard deviation of one.
When making the registration work to run on Fedora I needed to change the way the intensity profiles are transfered into the metric class. Before it was passing a pointer to an array that held all of the intensities. This was causing a segmentation fault so to remedy this I needed to pass it my one array to write to. Another issue came about because of the GUI. In Fedora the size of the GUI needed to be increased to make sure that everything could be displayed. If the size was too small the resulting image showed nothing but a blank color.

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