Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Cells In itkMesh

I have completed inserting the face data into an itkMesh that includes the point data for the ring in the 3D-registration process. By changing the parameters in the registration to use an itkMesh I was able to get the registration successfully running. Then I began to work on the intensity process metric and ran into some problems. Declaring the iterators and different variables in the class using the templated names of the data types has proved difficult. With the inclusion of the itkMesh the iterators for moving through the cells were elusive in the ITK class structure so I had to declare them explicitly. Then I found that there is no simple way to access the cell data in the itkMesh. Some of the reason for this is that ITK allows for a heterogenous sampling of cells to be included in an itkMesh. The methods in the ITK manual include creating visitor classes that seem way too complicated for the task of simply accessing information stored in a cell. I am currently looking for functions that could easily get the point data in the cells so that I will be able to calculate the normals.


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